Dienstag, 25. September ab 22Uhr

Bande á part

- Tanzbare Veranstaltung für Außenseiter -
Arising//Passing: a moving soundscape
(dance and music collaboration from Victoria McConnell, Joshua Tennet)
 & Alexander Windner Liebermann)
An idea arises from the subconscious, from the instinct. It takes form, becomes visible or audible. Shared, tossed and caught, it passes; feeding into the next thought. An evolution of conversation: music and movements ebb and flow, each overlapping the other to create new forms.
What began as a simple jam session between a musician and a dancer has led us to questions: How does sound affect movement and movement inspire music? Who is leading whom? Can we fluidly shift from receiving input to giving input? Where are we going or is it (the process itself) leading us? We have been observing our individual instincts to make movement or sound, how we react to each other, and searching for the ways we can fold together our mediums to create a whole atmosphere, a moving soundscape.
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