Shabi is a Berlin based DJ and producer who's been drawn to music since a young age. Being interested in many different genres, eventually he fell in love with old school deep house and garage.
Currently, Shabi resides in Berlin and dedicates his time to spread his love for house, and has already caught the attention of DJs and producers alike with his releases reaching top positions in the charts on Traxsource and Beatport but also seeing his tracks being supported by producers like Angelo Ferreri, Miguel Migs, Scruscru, Hotmood, Igor Gonya and more.
Some of the labels he signed with includes Lisztomania, Sundries, Blur, Moodyhouse, DOBRO and Tropical Disco Records.
In his sets, Shabi will often spin deep and jazzy tracks, combining also elements of disco, funk or jackin'/garage house sounds.
- Samstag, 08. Februar 2025 ab 21Uhr
Djs M Love & Shabi
Dj M Love
Courtesy of the Artist
M Love is a DJ and producer based in Berlin. He has released music on labels such as Relish and Play Pal, and his tracks have been supported by highly respected artists such as Curses, Local Suicide, JG Wilkes (Optimo), and more. His eclectic sets combine post-punk, New wave and kraut influences as well as psychedelic and percussive elements. As a multi-instrumentalist, he is a member of local psych bands Moriah Plaza and Cherry Bandora.
Dj Shabi
Courtesy of the Artist
- Freitag, 07. Februar 2025 ab 21Uhr
Spaghetti a Mezzanotte
Barox + Kikko Solaris
Dj: Kikko Solaris
Foto Credit : Valerio D'Urso @studiospot22
After last month's blast night, Kikko Solaris returns to the DJ booth at Eschschloraque during his residency in Berlin.
Kikko Solaris, one of the pioneers of electronic music in Italy, spent his childhood in Rome, where, at the age of seven, he began collecting vinyl promos, thanks to his father's friendship with the famous Italian personality Renzo Arbore.
Considered one of the most promising talents in the Italian electronic music scene in the last years, Kikko Solaris has earned a reputation for his elegance and depth, establishing himself as one of the most innovative and influential artists in Italy’s music landscape.
Renowned and appreciated by audiences in top international clubs, from Ibiza to London, Amsterdam, and Paris, he spent eight years curating the "Club Culture" sessions at the Centre for Contemporary Arts and Cultures - Zo in Catania/Sicily.
Kikko Solaris was also collaborating with J-Wave 81.3 FM in Tokyo, Japan’s leading radio station with an audience of around 5 million listeners per show and resident DJ and co-organizer at the world-famous Mercati Generali Club in Catania.
His current sound is an eclectic mix of deep and electro-techno beats, funk, and broken beat.
As one of the key figures in shaping Italy’s club culture, Solaris is preparing to release a forthcoming EP.Follow him on Instagram: @kikko.solaris
Dj Barox
Foto credit: Steve Morell
In recent years, Berlin-based DJ Barox has become known, particularly for his Italo disco and eclectic selections, to the local Berlin and international communities. Resident at Eschloraque in Berlin and Antic teatre in Barcelona he has been a guest DJ in many other venues, celebrated and recognized for his special Groove and ability to combine different facets of electro/disco music.
- Mittwoch, 05. Februar 2025 ab 21Uhr
MissVergnügen presents: La Tonia y Monotekktoni- live!!
Electric Indie Oriental Flamenco - Folklore Moderne
Courtesy of the Artist
Ein Synthesizer und Flamenco? Geht das?
Na, kein Flamenco puro. Nur die Art zu singen, die Melodien und teilweise die Rhythmik … und die Sprache. Der Unterbau grooved, orgelt und quietscht ähnlich wie damals. Vor ca. 10 Jahren gab Tonia Reeh ihr letztes Konzert als Monotekktoni. Unter diesem Namen veröffentlichte sie u.a. vier Alben auf Sinnbus, eine EP auf Monika Enterprise und tourte quer durch Europa.
In der Zwischenzeit machte sie Solo am Klavier zwei Alben auf Clouds Hill, spielte und tourte mit Drummer Rudi Fischerlehner als Duo „La Tourette“ und schrieb Filmmusik.
Im Sommer 2021 brachte sie zum ersten Mal eine ungewöhnliche Kombination der Stile als neues Live Set auf die Bühne. Die Liebe zum Flamenco und generell zu alten spanischen Volks- und antifaschistischen Widerstandsliedern, lateinamerikanischer Musik, arabischen Skalen und Balkanbeat wuchs über die Jahre, und ließ sich nicht mehr aus ihrem künstlerischen Schaffen aussperren. Und sie kreiert eine Mischung der Stile, die sich so soulful und tanzbar, ohrwurmartig und kraftvoll und verrückt anhört, dass man prompt vergisst, in welchem Jahr und an welchem Ort man ist. Die spanische Sprache ist eine neue Herausforderung, ebenso wie die Idee, Texte alter
spanischer antifaschistischer Widerstandslieder neu zu vertonen und mit Inbrunst und Humor zu interpretieren. Raus aus der Stagnation, rein in die immer noch bitter nötige sozialkulturelle Revolution. Im Mai 2023 erschien ihr Album: „Puño en Alto“
Djne: MissVergnügen
ab 21uhr
Eintritt frei - Dienstag, 04. Februar 2025 ab 21Uhr
Bande á Part
Tanzbare Veranstaltung für Außenseiter
a constant shift just out of reachchoreography | dance: ANITA DEPAOLI
Photo by Francesco Grillo
A b o u t T h e P i e c e :
"Unrest" is an exploration of inner tension, a constant shift between what is and what could be. Through fluid and contrasting movements, the work delves into the feeling of disconnection and the desire for balance that remains just out of reach. It doesn’t offer resolution, but instead lingers in the space of what’s unspoken, just beyond our reach.
A b o u t T h e D a n c e r :
Anita is a freelance dancer based in Berlin, a city that mirrors her constant drive for exploration and artistic growth. From a young age, dance has been her compass, guiding her through both internal and external worlds. For Anita, movement is more than just an art form, it's a profound way of understanding herself, confronting her fears, and pushing boundaries. Every step is a choice, often complicated but always leading to unexpected revelations and deep satisfaction.
Her approach to dance transcends technique; it’s a powerful blend of soul, discipline, and sacrifice. Dance, for her, is the ultimate teacher, helping her evolve both artistically and personally. Anita thrives on the challenge of learning, continuously seeking new experiences to expand her vision and push the limits of her creativity.
She doesn’t shy away from the hard work required to grow, always putting herself on the line to explore new artistic possibilities and express her true essence. With every
project, Anita seeks to inspire, leaving a lasting impact through the depth of her work and the raw honesty of her movement.Text: Anita Depaoli
- Samstag, 01. Februar 2025 ab 21Uhr
Dj Geo
Geo by Lamp
Geo AKA The Professor is an encyclopedic DJ from the Bay Area (SF, Oakland, Berkeley) who's lived all over the world. He rocks it all from Post-Punk, Shoegaze/Dreampop to Goth, classic 80s, classic rock, and all the dance-y smashes from the 60's to today! Hearing is believing!
- Freitag, 31. Januar 2025 ab 21Uhr
Djs: Sky Deep & VELA
Sky Deep
Sky Deep by Alexa Vachon
Sky Deep is an XR developer, musician, producer, DJ and film director. Known for creating connection, freedom of self and joyful passion through her performances, she has also toured with Peaches, working as a multi-instrumentalist and MIDI director.
Having developed her musical foundations between LA and NYC, Sky has been based in Berlin since 2014. Her passion for XR development was born in 2020 when she began to reimagine how to bring artists and music fans together during pandemic lockdowns.
To date, her career has seen her take on roles as festival curator, sound engineer and promoter. She regularly releases music on her own label Reveller Records, alongside records from the likes of The Knife and Borusiade.
Sky's technical knowledge, together with the welcoming energy she brings to all discussions and creative projects, will help you feel right at home.
Courtesy of the Artist
"Everything is Possible!" Vela reveals the potential of music: Diving into the flow of a dense electronic texture of tech house, deep house, breaks and techno, she creates a space of freedom. Here sound rules the world. Constraints fall away. The social rulebook shatters on the ground of the facts of all-encompassing sound power. The spirit of a long international music history, a co-creator of the underground and her involvement in FLINTA* initiatives can be felt here.
If sound can be put into words, then her "BadassBassBombardement" is the term for gripping sets that combine experience, pure sensitivity for music and the scene, dynamics and charm. Her style is known for "kick-ass bass lines, forward driving beats, and the remarkable use of ‚brake-downs layering’“ and has been bringing electronic club culture to Eschschloraque since 1999, where anything is possible thanks to her.
Text: Vera Fischer
- Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2025 ab 21Uhr
The Noriginal Night - only covers- the whole night!
Courtesy of the artists
durch den Themenabend führen:
Sheila Chipperfield & MissVergnügenSheila bedeutet „a hit of dopamine in real time“! DJing hat hier eine klare Aufgabe – den Abend zum Feel Good Moment werden zu lassen und an genau den Punkt heranzuführen, „that is taking your breath!“
So schafft Sheila Chipperfield – DJ, Lichtdesignerin und Musikerin – ein Happening, das aus Empathie, Aufmerksamkeit und Humor schöpft: Auflegen ist Kommunikation ohne Worte; Sheila liest den Raum, sie reagiert auf das Publikum und dessen Stimmung mit einem entwaffnenden Sinn für Humor. Wechselseitig zwischen DJ und Publikum, Sound und Raum wird ihr Set organisch. Lebendig, bewegend in Bewegung – sound communication, die auf direktem Weg ins Hirn schießt.MissVergnügen bespielt wie keine andere den musikalischen Underground mit so vielseitigen Talenten als Musikerin, DJ und Schauspielerin – und damit auch die Bühne und Decks im Eschschloraque seit 2006!
- Dienstag, 28. Januar 2025 ab 21Uhr
Bande á Part
- Tanzbare Veranstaltung für Außenseiter
“ E ”
(dance | choreography)NUWANLISS
(original music)Foto: Manuel Kinzer
A B O U T the P E R F OR M A N C E
This is a duo dance piece of two queer immigrants born and raised in Venezuela, a country that is deeply homophobic and without any legislation that protects the LGBTQ+ community. A country with a very conservative and sexist society, with strict gender roles and expectations, where we fought to find space for our own ways of expression, identity, freedom and safety. This in the context of a complex political situation and humanitarian crisis, where it seemed irrelevant to talk about the rights of minorities when the whole population had been suffering for so long. Being outside, we take the responsibility of starting a discussion around this problematic by showing our intimate perspective of what gender roles represent for us, how they have shaped us, and the inner and outer violence that comes with the reality of being born different. We question ourselves, what does it mean to be born a man? What does it mean to be born a woman? How do we have to behave, how do we have to move, how do we have to look like? Which roles are we supposed to fulfill? How do these roles affect the way that we relate to each other, how do they shape our intimacy? How are our beings and our personalities conditioned, sometimes limited, because we’re born one way or the other? Could it be different? What would we be if we hadn’t been raised in the mold of gender? Would we be more free, more authentic? Would we relate to each other differently, would or relationships change, would we be more vulnerable, more intimate? What is the punishment if we don’t follow these rules, and how are we conditioned by concepts as sin or guilt, when it comes to our self-expression? These questions are the motor to the creation of this piece. Using the gestures, the movement of the arms, the legs, the way we walk, we sit, we move, we interact. Working in duo and solo, we’ll try, if not to answer, at least to reflect over these questions, giving our own perspective from our experience, as one man, one woman. The original music is by the Venezuelan composer Nuwanliss.
- Samstag, 25. Januar 2025 ab 21Uhr
La dolce vita Djset
60´s Garage, Italian Beat, ProtoPunk
Djane Alien she & Dj Mr. Cigarette Butt
Djane Alien she
Alien She pic by Krousky Peutebatre
Dj Mr. Cigarette Butt
Mr. Cigarette Butt pic by Selene
Two Italians in Berlin, who after a thousand vicissitudes find themselves not only partying together but also collaborating and having fun on the other side of the console! Over the past 20 years, the two DJs have been playing their vinyl and making people dance at various venues in Europe, including festivals and various parties. They will bring to Eschschloraque a refreshing pre-summer vibe, Italian beats, proto punk, obscure 60s garage, a soundtrack to our sweet life! All on vinyl, of course, and obviously a party not to be missed!
- Freitag, 24. Januar 2025 ab 21Uhr
Sweet Times Burn
Dj Schapur
Mit New Wave/Postpunk/Synthpunk/Pogopop/NDW macht DJ Schapur seit 18 Jahren Kneipen, Clubs und Parties unsicher.
Playlists: - Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2025 ab 21Uhr
MissVergnügen presents FezayaFirar – Live!
Wenn Sound eine eigene, neue Sprache und Begrifflichkeit entwirft, ist eine Ebene unbegreiflicher Komplexität erreicht – eine Synästhesie taktiler Klänge
Foto: Anna Wider
FezayaFirar (ZRH/BER) ist ein 2012 in Istanbul gegründetes Duo, das sich nach einem der ersten Science-Fiction-Romane in türkischer Sprache benannt hat, nämlich "Escape to outerspace". Der Begriff einer „monstro-phobischen Dimension des Raums und der Unendlichkeit“ erfasst eine Klangwelt unzähliger Schichten, die sich einem Elektromagnetfeld gleich durch Raum und Zeit entspinnt: „The live synthesised musical layers form bridges between microcosmos and macrocosmos.“
FezayaFirar verwendet hauptsächlich analoge und modulare Elektronik und lotet deren Grenzen in ihrer unendlichen Vielfalt aus, die gelegentlich von akustischen und DIY-Instrumenten sowie Field Recordings begleitet wird. Ihre Musik oszilliert zwischen Industrial Ambient, Drone und Techno-Rhythmen.
FezayaFirar bespielt die außergewöhnliche Konzert-Reihe von Resident DJ MissVergnügen. Seit jeher gestaltet die Musikerin, Sängerin und DJ den Berliner Underground mit, zuerst in der „selbst-zur-Bar-ernannten“ Garage im Hinterhof des berühmt-berüchtigten Eimer, der Waffengalerie, im Eimer selbst oder im King-Kong-Klub. Seit 2006 bespielt sie die Mittwochabende im Eschschloraque mit eklektischen Sets und gibt der Subkultur mit DJ-Gästen und Konzerten wieder eine Stimme – und Bühne!
Text: Vera Fischer
Djane: MissVergnügen
Courtesy of the Artist
- Samstag, 18. Januar 2025 ab 21Uhr
Dj nuarrrrr
Courtesy of the Artist
nuarrrrr is a former influential DJ in Kraków, recognized as a key driver of the electronic music community. Now based in Berlin, he is actively developing his career. He is the mastermind behind the Tres Bienski party series, a member of the REMORA project, and founder of FUNDAMENT, an electronic music school. As a resident DJ at Piekło nad Niebem (Warsaw), Prozak 2.0 (Kraków), and Tres Bienski, he has become a vital presence in nightlife.
- Freitag, 17. Januar 2025 ab 21Uhr
El Matador Del Taxi aka Eduardo Delgado Lopez
New Year Same Style
- Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2025 ab 21Uhr
Musik für Dompteurinnen & Statistinnen
Courtesy of the Artists
on the couch: Fehmi Baumbach & MissVergnügen
Hinter den Sets der Resident DJ MissVergnügen steht ein eklektisches musikalisches Spektrum von 20er-Jahre-Musik bis hin zu Elektro – und damit auch die klare Ansage, dass eine einzige Richtung nur langweilen würde. Ziemlich naheliegend bei ihrem facettenreichen Talent als Musikerin, DJ und Sängerin ... Mittwochabend mit MissVergnügen bedeutet, sich von ihr abholen lassen, in welche Richtung es auch immer geht und dann treiben lassen!
Musik für Dompteusen & Jongleusen heißt dann auch, Sprünge wagen: Fehmi Baumbach hat als Kind schon gerne mit der Punk, Wave und Progrock Plattensammlung ihrer Eltern gespielt und sich glücklicherweise abgewöhnt Musik nach Plattenhüllen auszusuchen. Musikalisch springt sie gerne von unbekannten kleinen Bands zu brachialen Tanzeinlagen, epischen Gesängen, Lieblingshits und verpassten Einsätzen. - Dienstag, 14. Januar 2025 ab 21Uhr
Bande á Part
Tanzbare Veranstaltung für Außenseiter
„One Flower per Day”
by ELKE KALUPAR & AURORAPhoto by: James Gidoomal
“How much time do we have? "One Flower Per Day" is a contemplative exploration of the silent, yet unstoppable takeover of nature. It portrays a world where humanity, entangled in its own toxicity, fails to notice the gradual, inevitable shift. Nature, in all its quiet power, begins to reclaim what was once hers, reshaping and deforming us. The performance delves into a process - one that is not driven by overt drama or catastrophe but rather by a subtle, organic force. As humans persist in their destructive habits, nature’s slow response is both a process of decay and renewal, a duality that embodies the paradox of beauty within destruction. The dancers' movements reflect this transformation and absurdity of how we keep on living. The piece captures the eerie beauty in nature’s quiet dominance, reminding us that time may be running out, even as we remain blissfully unaware.“
M o r e A b o u t Elke Kalupar: o r e A b o u t Aurora: