Dienstag, 28. Januar ab 21Uhr

Bande á Part

- Tanzbare Veranstaltung für Außenseiter



(dance | choreography)

(original music)


Foto: Manuel Kinzer

A B O U T  the  P E R F OR M A N C E

This is a duo dance piece of two queer immigrants born and raised in Venezuela, a country that is deeply homophobic and without any legislation that protects the LGBTQ+ community. A country with a very conservative and sexist society, with strict gender roles and expectations, where we fought to find space for our own ways of expression, identity, freedom and safety. This in the context of a complex political situation and humanitarian crisis, where it seemed irrelevant to talk about the rights of minorities when the whole population had been suffering for so long. Being outside, we take the responsibility of starting a discussion around this problematic by showing our intimate perspective of what gender roles represent for us, how they have shaped us, and the inner and outer violence that comes with the reality of being born different. We question ourselves, what does it mean to be born a man? What does it mean to be born a woman? How do we have to behave, how do we have to move, how do we have to look like? Which roles are we supposed to fulfill? How do these roles affect the way that we relate to each other, how do they shape our intimacy? How are our beings and our personalities conditioned, sometimes limited, because we’re born one way or the other? Could it be different? What would we be if we hadn’t been raised in the mold of gender? Would we be more free, more authentic? Would we relate to each other differently, would or relationships change, would we be more vulnerable, more intimate? What is the punishment if we don’t follow these rules, and how are we conditioned by concepts as sin or guilt, when it comes to our self-expression? These questions are the motor to the creation of this piece. Using the gestures, the movement of the arms, the legs, the way we walk, we sit, we move, we interact. Working in duo and solo, we’ll try, if not to answer, at least to reflect over these questions, giving our own perspective from our experience, as one man, one woman. The original music is by the Venezuelan composer Nuwanliss.

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