Donnerstag, 18. April ab 22Uhr

MSI vol.11 Laut·ma·le·rei


Illustration: Ceren Oykut

Ceren Oykut | Live Illustration
Nicolas Schulze | Fender Rhodes

Yuko Matsuyama | Concept, Vocal + alpha
Eduardo Delgado Lopez | DJ + Tech

Lautmalerei (German) = onomatopoeia,
Laut (German) = loud, noisy
Ma (Japanese) = time, an interval, a pause
Malerei (German) = painting

„Laut·ma·le·rei“, a word open to interpretation, has been chosen as the key to our improvised performance. Jazz musician Nicolas Schulze and performance artist Yuko matsuyama create sound in the darkness. Visual artist Ceren Oykut applies her brush to the sound, interpreting the soundscape as landscape through her live black & white illustration.

The performance series MSI/Movement & Sound Improvisation is a small-scale platform for improvisation; research, practice and performance. The series has been presented at galleries and art spaces since summer 2011. Spontaneity in communication, movement, sound, and reflex is the impulse behind the project.

Text: Lisa Smith


Ceren Oykut:
Nicolas Schulze:
Yuko Matsuyama:

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